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Since 2005 I have been working as a freelance management consultant, coach and supervisor in South Tyrol, in the North Italian region and in North Tyrol.

In my consulting work I can rely on a wide range of experience in the following fields:

  • Commercial enterprises (organisational and team development, coaching, training, personnel development)
  • Social enterprises (coaching, supervision, organizational development, strategy consulting)
  • Service companies (strategy consulting, organizational development, coaching)
  • Schools and kindergartens (organisational development, coaching, supervision, mediation)
  • Industrial companies (personnel development, training camps for managers, coaching)
  • Retirement homes (management support, individual supervision, mediation)
  • Church organizations (supervision, organizational development, coaching)
  • Banks (coaching of managers in the sales network and in the internal areas)
  • Cultural organizations (coaching and association development)
  • Start-up companies (strategy consulting, personnel development, coaching)
  • Associations (association development, coaching, mediation)
  • Individuals (coaching on work and life issues)
  • Participants in supervision and counselling courses (control supervision)

Educational pathways and quality assurance


  • Study of mathematics with specialization in computer science at the University of Innsbruck (1983-88)
  • Training course in supervision, coaching and organizational developent at Sympaideia in Innsbruck (2001-04)

Further education

  • Integral Organizational and Structural Constellations with Rolf Lutterbeck (Bad Homburg 2005-07)
  • Hypnosystemic Coaching with Gunther Schmidt (Metaforum in Abano 2006)
  • Provocative coaching with Noni Höfner (Metaforum in Abano 2007)
  • Mediation and conflict resolution with Rudi Ballreich (ASC in South Tyrol 2008-10)
  • Organizational development with Wolfgang Looss (ASC in South Tyrol 2012-13)
  • Art Of Hosting with Elisabeth Anker (Innsbruck 2014)
  • Existential coaching with Alfried Längle (ASC in South Tyrol 2017)
  • ANSE Summer Universities 2011 in Stavanger (N), 2013 in Kaunas (LT), 2015 in Zadar (HR), 2019 in Bolzano (I)
  • International Supervision Conferences in Bregenz (2010, 2012, 2015)

Quality assurance

  • Supervision group with Wolfgang Looss in Innsbruck (2007-20)
  • Balint supervision group with Angela Gotthard-Lorenz (2009)
  • Regional Intervision Group of the ASC (since 2010)
  • International European Intervision Group at ANSE (2014-18)
  • Compliance with the regularly audited quality criteria and standards of the ASC since their introduction in 2013

Work experience

1987-88 Student assistant at the Institute for Computer Science at the University of Innsbruck

1989-1991 Software developer at Hewlett Packard in Böblingen (D) in the field of personnel information systems. There I got to know and appreciate their famous company philosophy, the HP-Way.

1991-2005 at Südtiroler Volksbank as organizer, works council, initiator for project management and process organization and from 2001 on head of personnel development. In this function, I was responsible, among other things, for recruiting employees for the new branches in the expansion areas, for the conception and organisation of company training, for the introduction and further development of management instruments and tools for personnel development and for supporting managers in their leadership tasks.

2008-2013 on the board of the ASC Professional Association for Supervision, Coaching and Organisational Developement and also on the board of ANSE, the European umbrella organisation of national supervision associations, for two years. During this time I have broadened my view on supervision in its European forms. With great respect, I have witnessed the founding work of the Croatian Association and the special expositions for supervision in the context of dealing with wartime traumas in their society.

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